I realised the fact photos of my and my looks have been absent. So I thought I might take these quick ones just to balance out. Obviously seeing all the past model backstages, my poses compare nothing to theirs and I look rather crap. But here I am.
This is a chunk knit jumper by Levis. I bought it 2 years ago... I think. It's kind has a very big neck collar and when zipped up, it's like a turtle neck. It's very warm, though when you first wear it, you will be cold because of the chunk knit and the holes. I like experimenting with movement. So the last pictures shows. As always, most of the photos aren't that cohesive as a "collection" but I believe in bringing out different ways of photographing to show the jumper.
This is a chunk knit jumper by Levis. I bought it 2 years ago... I think. It's kind has a very big neck collar and when zipped up, it's like a turtle neck. It's very warm, though when you first wear it, you will be cold because of the chunk knit and the holes. I like experimenting with movement. So the last pictures shows. As always, most of the photos aren't that cohesive as a "collection" but I believe in bringing out different ways of photographing to show the jumper.